1. Go to your photos folder in your computer.
2. Go to the 6th folder of photos.
3. Go to the 6th picture in that folder.
4. Put the picture on your blog and description of it.
5. Invite six friends to join the challenge.
6. Link them in your blog and let them know they have been challenged

yg lain x masuk dlm gambar coz x muat. pack glew wo kat bangsal ni, yelah ada dlm 18org. Kami kongsi ramai2 makan b4 official launch of our ofiz.Ti dah start keja, bz glew xda masa nak gathering
next person~ sutera putih, sirNik. liyanakmal, puteri,
si pari2 kecil, nabila farhana & caturist
si pari2 kecil, nabila farhana & caturist
fulamak.. glamournyer bro naga...
mintak link yer...
bro tag tu 10hb yer nk siapkan keje skit.. :)
Ucapan - Selamat Menyambut Malidul Rasul 12 Rabiulawal 1430H !
ahah makan tak hengat org tepi2 ;p
thank you for yout comment and u r in my likn now. Cheers!
fahmi latiff~
no hal! take ur time.
same to you too, selamat berehat.
bukan tak ingat tapi diaorg tgh diet tu..lalalalala
shitsurei ni...ngadew tgn nih..nk kene ni...aduii..k la 6t b jwb tag tu..biler free 6t...^_^
ala shitsurei bukan sengaja lah bee, tiba2 datang ilham nak bagi kat bee..kwang!kwang! jangan mareh yer.
orkid2 tu masi sihat?
orkid???lor orkid je die tnye...bee x nak tnye ker..sampai t..uhuk2...heee..oOO..kenekan b ye??ni ha silalah jwb blk tagged dr bee...x kirelah da pnh jwb ke x..m'gatal tgn sgt nk tagged b...b bls blik...tp tagged yg akn dtg x der lg...lom pikir lg...nk cari yg seng2 tp sush nk jwb..hik...hik...^_^
bee lah orkid tu..hehehehe cover line.
tok riso, abe tgu mek tag abe nie..
cheers :)
ngadew..da tagged pon...tunggu maser nk jwb jew
yelah cik bee, saya ngah mencari no.6 tp no.9 je sayer nampak. ok, dah jumpa pun..tguu.. dok comel jage maroh k..
ade tagged baru nih..jwblah yer...huhuhu
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